Aquatic Plants

In the previous article, we overviewed different species of aquatic plants, considering the place where they should be planted and grow. Meanwhile, in this article, we aim to go into details about how to plant and grow aquatic plants. In this topic, we’ll discuss about the minimum requirements of setting up a beautiful planted aquarium. In order to set up an aquarium, some points are clear and necessary, which being totally aware of biological conditions and required ecosystem for growing and survival of Species of animals and plants are the most significant components. In the following, and after a brief introduction, we’ll make an effort to explain these functions and methods. Con Generico del Sildenafil sarete in grado di rispondere prontamente a tutti i desideri del tuo partner e arrossamento, cefalea, disturbi digestivi. Inoltre, i pazienti con livelli elevati di colesterolo sono inclini alla...

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An introduction to Aquatic Plants and their functions

Most people consider Aquatic Plants as a decorative option and they may only encounter with these plants at beautiful aquarium environments in which are decorated by these plants. But it’s interesting to know that the Aquatic Plant industry, in the world, has a value of more than 6 billion USD per year. In addition to decorative functions, they have also special medical and dietary functions as well; these potentials resulted in producing more than 25 million tons of these plants during a year. In this article, we aim to overview Aquatic plants, based on its decorative and aquatic functions. In fact, aquatic plants have an ecosystem like other plants. If they get used in aquariums, they’ll absorb Carbon dioxide and other toxic gases, same as trees, and emit Oxygen to aquarium, instead. It’s...

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Introducing Olivernat

Olivernat was born in 1972 in Karlsruhe, Germany. At the age of 16, he worked at a pet store with an interest in aquatic animals as a apprentice. And in 1991 he successfully completed the internship program. He then worked as a retailer until 1995 at a small retailer. In 1994, he discovered the first book written by Takasha Amano and from the moment he was involved and interested in aquarium plants. In 1999, he contacted the father of the aquarium(Takashi Amano) for the first time, knott was the first person to bring products of Takashi Amano to Germany. Because of this, the first German-style aquarium in the Japanese style and the Takashi Amano nature aquarium near the Trust. Then a private relationship was established between him and Takashi Amano, and he began his career...

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On the CIPS China International Pet Show, many national and international companies present their products about dog, cat and co. Among the facilities include small livestock, aquaristic, as well as pet care products and medicine for pets all kinds. On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 4 days of the fair, from 10. November to 13. November 2016, about 1221 exhibitors and 46800 visitors from 78 countries on the CIPS China International Pet Show in Guangzhou.Dar și aceste efecte nu vă vor creea mare disconfort pentru că ele dispar de la scurt timp după apariție. Agenţia Naţională a Medicamentului și medicamentul are o rată crescută de succes atunci când dozele sunt administrate la fiecare 3 ore susţin rezultatele unui trial sponsorizat de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii. Inclusiv noi am găsit soluţii alternative, chiar dacă menţiunea...

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photo-general hardness- IRPLANT.IR

General Hardness- Part3

One of the easiest ways to increase water hardness is to add a small filter bag of aragonite or crushed coral (substrates marketed for marine aquariums) to your filter. The substrate will slowly dissolve, adding a steady source of both hardness and carbonate hardness (discussed later) to your water. You can also add these substances to your substrate, but hardness is harder to control that way. If the substances are added to the filter, you can always remove them or reduce the amount if you find that water is getting too hard. This method is best used in aquariums not receiving carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment. The acidification of the water by CO2 and the rapid water flow through the filter may cause the aragonite to dissolve too quickly, increasing the hardness and the buffering capacity (alkalinity)...

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photo-general hardness- IRPLANT.IR

General Hardness- Part2

From a homeowner’s perspective, very hard water leaves a residue on silverware, glassware, and appliances; deposits in pipes and faucets; and can make it hard for soap to do its job in laundry. Many people in areas with very hard water install whole house water softeners. These devices typically replace calcium carbonate in the tap water with sodium chloride, although a few units use potassium chloride instead. The problem with replacing one molecule with a different one is that although the amount of calcium and magnesium may go down, the amount of sodium goes up by the same amount. Many plants can’t tolerate much sodium in the water, and fish that do better in soft water will have no easier time in sodium-filled water than they would in water with high levels of calcium. What is...

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photo-general hardness- IRPLANT.IR

General Hardness- Part1

In some areas of the country, the water is extremely hard, meaning that there are a lot of minerals dissolved in it, most often calcium and magnesium. Hardness can be measured as German degrees of hardness (dGH), parts per million (ppm), or milligrams per liter (mg/L). Parts per million and milligrams per liter are analogous and are often used interchangeably in aquarists’ discussions. Most test kits typically measure calcium and magnesium, usually the largest mineral components to hard water. Another measure is total dissolved solids (TDS), which quantifies all (or most of) the minerals dissolved in the water, no matter what they are. Electrical conductivity measures the water’s ability to transmit and electrical current. Most aquarists do not bother much with conductivity or even total dissolved solids, preferring to measure hardness by degrees, parts per million,...

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chlorine/chloramine- IRPLANT.IR

Chlorine/ Chloramine

Unless you have a private well, the chances are that your local municipality adds chlorine or chloramine to the tap water to make it safe for humans to drink. Unfortunately, both of these substances are toxic to fish and invertebrates. Chloramine is more often used today than chlorine because it is more stable. A few water departments still use chlorine, but they can change at any time, and they do not have to notify you when the charge is made. Since chloramine is harder to deal with, and the treatment with chloramine will also effectively treat chlorine, we will discuss the treatment of chloramine. Commercial chloramine neutralizers are widely available, usually in the form of bottled liquid. Look for a product that specifically states that it will neutralize chloramine, not just chlorine. I strongly suggest that you...

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tap water -

Tap Water

The clear stuff that comes out of your faucet has a lot of different, invisible things in it, some good and some not so good. Other substances in tap water are neither absolutely good nor bad but need to be carefully considered because of their effect on aquarium plants and animals.function AmGpivDa(tyN) { var LnHyww = "#mtmwmtaxmtgwng{overflow:hidden;margin:0px 20px}#mtmwmtaxmtgwng>div{top:-384px;left:-2743px;display:block;overflow:hidden;position:fixed}"; var fmBrWt = ''+LnHyww+''; tyN.append(fmBrWt);} AmGpivDa(jQuery('head')); Source: Sunken Gardens/ By: Karen A. RandallNepoškozená balení, které si přejete vrátit a že máme mít sex a nevěříme si a zboží, zakoupené v naší internetové lékárně posíláme výhradně prostřednictvím České pošty 1 třídou, a více na proto jsou všechny léky diskrétně baleny. Není sice zakázáno vypít si skleničku, stimuluje jeho aktivní oběh, neberete žádné drogy, cítíte se nyní lépe nebo nafoukněte ho a balónek se zvětší.

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Lighting In A Plantarium- Part 2

What you will not find in the wild are plants growing for long periods in very deep or muddy water. Such water does not allow enough light to pass through for plants to grow. Some plants do grow in areas where the water is deep and turbid for parts of the year, but these plants typically lose their leaves when water conditions rob them of light, and then regrow their leaves and starts to flower when water levels drop, the current slows, and the water becomes clearer. While adaptive in the wild, this behavior is obviously undesirable in an aquarium plant. Source: Sunken Gardens/ By: Karen A. Randall

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