Aquatic Plants

In the previous article, we overviewed different species of aquatic plants, considering the place where they should be planted and grow. Meanwhile, in this article, we aim to go into details about how to plant and grow aquatic plants. In this topic, we’ll discuss about the minimum requirements of setting up a beautiful planted aquarium. In order to set up an aquarium, some points are clear and necessary, which being totally aware of biological conditions and required ecosystem for growing and survival of Species of animals and plants are the most significant components. In the following, and after a brief introduction, we’ll make an effort to explain these functions and methods. Con Generico del Sildenafil sarete in grado di rispondere prontamente a tutti i desideri del tuo partner e arrossamento, cefalea, disturbi digestivi. Inoltre, i pazienti con livelli elevati di colesterolo sono inclini alla...

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An introduction to Aquatic Plants and their functions

Most people consider Aquatic Plants as a decorative option and they may only encounter with these plants at beautiful aquarium environments in which are decorated by these plants. But it’s interesting to know that the Aquatic Plant industry, in the world, has a value of more than 6 billion USD per year. In addition to decorative functions, they have also special medical and dietary functions as well; these potentials resulted in producing more than 25 million tons of these plants during a year. In this article, we aim to overview Aquatic plants, based on its decorative and aquatic functions. In fact, aquatic plants have an ecosystem like other plants. If they get used in aquariums, they’ll absorb Carbon dioxide and other toxic gases, same as trees, and emit Oxygen to aquarium, instead. It’s...

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